Online Giving
Thank you so much for your support of Grace Church. We want to continue connecting people to Jesus. We take each offering as a major blessing to what we are trying to accomplish. We have been called by God to do great things in and around our community and none of it would be possible without your financial support. Every penny of your giving will be put to great use for God's work in our lives. We pray and thank God for our congregation everyday. Without you all there would be no Grace Church.
There is a cost to the Church for online giving. The fee schedule is as follows:
Credit/Debit Cards - 2.9% + .30 transaction fee
Bank Transfer (ACH) - 1% + .25 transaction fee
Would you consider adding the above amount to your giving to help offset these costs?
Q. What are the advantages of E-Giving?
A. It allows you to worship the Lord by systematically giving to Him. It saves you time. It simplifies your life. Even when you cannot be at church, your giving
is processed in a safe, convenient and timely manner.
Q. If I don't write a check, how can I prove I made a contribution?
A. You will get an email receipt each time you give. We will also provide you with a Statement of Giving at the end of the yearfor income tax purposes.
Q. Is E-Giving risky?
A. E-Giving is less risky than a check or cash contribution. It cannot be lost, stolen or destroyed and it has an extremely high rate of accuracy.
Q. How can I sign up for E-Giving?
A. Click on the "Give Here" link on this page. You can set up an account by clicking the tab in the upper right hand corner. You can make a one-time
contribution or set up a recurring donation.
Q. What if I try E-Giving and I don't like it or I want to adjust the amount of my gift?
A. You can cancel your E-Giving at any time or change the amount of your gift by signing in to your account.
Q. What does E-Giving cost?
A. It costs you nothing. There is a service charge for the church (see fee schedule above). Please consider adding this amount to your donation.